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Corn – (Sweet) Golden Beauty (30+ seeds)

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Now: $3.45
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Golden Beauty is a rugged and versatile variety that will grow in just about any soil and in just about any climate. An exceptional early corn that tends to produce a large yield. Golden Beauty is a trusted heirloom corn variety first introduced in the 1950’s and still going strong!  The favorite super-early variety produces sweet, 7" flavor-filled ears at least a wk. earlier than other "early" types.

Name: "Golden Beauty" Corn
Botanical Name: Zea mays "Golden Beauty"
Other Common Name(s): "Golden Yellow Beauty"
Color: Yellow
Size: 7 Inches Ears
Days to Maturity / Harvest: 70 Days
Sun / Shade: Prefers Sun / Will Tolerate Some Shade
Hardiness Zones: All